As a State Representative, I will Create Bills and Support Bills and Policies that:
Support the Family.
Support our children’s Education.
Support all our Rights.
Support the Delaware Constitution.
Support or help stimulate the Economy.
Support reducing Taxes so we keep more of our hard-earned income.
Support keeping our families safe and secure.
Clean water and eliminating pollution.
The Current House Members are incredibly spending more than we can afford and they plan to raise our taxes. Do you want them to do that? Read on…
Delaware is spending more than we can afford and About 61% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck, no one can afford the increases of everything today. Do living paycheck to paycheck upset you?
Because of the rising cost of everything, it is costing the average Delaware citizen over $7,100 in inflation and falling wages. Okay, who remembers the promise to everyone of “inflation reduction?” Some people forgot that. Were you one of them? What are you going to do about it?
The 2024 Delaware Budget passed with increasing spending of 13% higher. That is $14,736 per household. Tell me, can you, or anyone you know, afford to pay $14,736 more?
Delaware legislators passed the 2024 budget that is $500 million dollars higher yet Delaware brings in $200 million Less in revenue. Repeat: Delaware brings in $200 million Less in revenue. How can Delaware Maintain? Look for tax increases!
A third of Delaware’s population is insured by Medicaid, yet Delaware Lawmakers voted to expand services with less revenue. Again, this is unsustainable. How can Delaware Maintain itself?
I am certain you have heard that our Delaware schools are failing, which has a grave effect on Delaware’s economy; it is failing, this leads to poverty and crime. Have you noticed the increase in crime and poverty?
There are 17 schools in Delaware which have less than 1 in 10 students that can read or do math at grade level. Changes must be made. The Nation’s Report Card shows Delaware is the 4th worst performing state on the National Assessment of Educational Progress while being the 9th highest in spending per student, spending over $17,000 per student.
There has been a 29% increase in education spending; however, students’ test scores continue to plummet. Even California spends less on average for each student. Do you think our property taxes should continually increase while scores decrease?
In addition to low test scores, Delaware schools have a Chronic Absenteeism problem which is out of control. Delaware is seeing an increase in the level of discipline, violence, and bullying in the schools.
Have you noticed that Crime is increasing, and it isn’t just in the cities, but in our neighborhoods too? I will not be soft on crime because the softer you are on crime, the worse it gets. Delaware is ranked #15 in the nation for violent crime per capita in 2023. Have you been a victim of a crime?
Delaware has a drug problem. The average increase in drug overdose death count is 18% every year from 2012 to 2020 and it is still increasing.
The Attorney General created over 40 internal policy changes that make it near impossible to incarcerate an individual, even for an extremely violent crime. Change must come in the legislature. We must work together and be tough on crime. Our families, friends, and property must be protected. However, our rights must not be violated.
Did you know that the most dangerous city in Delaware is Seaford? Seaford was labeled “Heroine Capital of America?” And Laurel, Georgetown, and Dover are right behind it in crime.


Brenda Mennella is a native Delawarean who enjoys helping others and being a resource to help others solve problems. She is a wife, mother of two, an educator, and a community volunteer. She is a graduate of Wesley College where she earned a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration. She wanted to become an educator, so she attended Wilmington University where she earned a Master’s Degree in Education. She received the valedictorian academic Award for achieving the highest GPA in her class.
Prior to teaching, she worked for the Department of Labor with the Division of Employment & Training where she helped individuals secure employment, obtain retraining, relocate to different states, start their own business, and obtain any resource that would help individuals secure employment when their companies closed or had mass layoffs. In 2000, Brenda was recognized as Employee of the Quarter for helping so many unemployed individuals obtain gainful employment.
Brenda has volunteered as a Girl Scout Leader, planted trees, encouraged her students to prepare Hurricane Relief boxes, made blankets for children at the hospital, and collected hygiene items and stuffed sixty packages. In September, her class began collecting items which led to the whole school collecting items. She is an active member of the Brookside Lions Club of Newark.
She always enjoyed teaching and decided to earn her dual teaching certification in General Education and in Special Education and has been teaching for over 15 years. Brenda was nominated for teacher of the year three times by parents and coworkers. Helping others understand their rights is particularly important to her. She has facilitated the Delaware Constitution Course in which she helps people learn about the proper role of government in Delaware.
Brenda has worked on campaigns to help candidates get into office and in 2022 she decided to compete for the local 9th Senate Seat. She ran a great race for a first-time candidate but was not successful in winning the seat. With her excellent campaign team, and the support of many people, she decided to compete for a State Representative seat. She plans to win the seat and work with other legislators to help make Delaware a wonderful place with jobs, accessible healthcare, better education for our children, less violence, and a stimulating economy. She is always willing to work with others to help others improve their lives. It is not so important who you work with, but that positive important things get accomplished.
Please donate big or small it will help get the word out. If you are ready for a change and want to see something get done, please donate. If you reside in District 9, I would love your vote and for you to donate to my campaign financially as well as your time and talents. If you do live in my district, I would still you’re your donation, time, and help getting out my message. District 9 has over 85K population. Please donate today. Thank you.